Platinum Package

Benefits of Full DBA Service:

Reduced DBA and Maintenance Costs 24x7 Support.

Leverage the expertise and availability of DBAs for less than the cost of a single in-house resource.

Worry Free Database Support

Leave the databases to us, so you can focus on the business.

No Need to Hire, Train or Retain In-House DBAs

Eliminate the costs and headaches associated with hiring in-house.

24x7, 100% Monitoring and Support

Get the additional support and coverage you need to ensure critical issues are addressed on a 24x7 basis.

Faster Problem Resolution and Response Times

Attain fast, effective resolutions to database issues with WDS's SLA-mandated response times.

Customized Service Level Agreements

Our SLAs can be tailored to meet your organization's individual needs.












Gold Package

Benefits of Supplemental DBA Service:

Reduced DBA and Maintenance Costs 24x3 On Call Support.

Leverage the expertise and availability of DBAs for less than the cost of a single in-house resource.

Up to 3 Days a week Utilization of Internal Resources

Redeploy skilled internal resources to more strategic, revenue  generating initiatives.
Up to 3 Days a week Access to Technical Expertise Not Available In-House

Leverage the DBA expertise and skills you need without the costs and headaches of hiring in-house.

Up to 3 Days a week Monitoring and Support

For business hours get the additional support and coverage you need to ensure critical issues are addressed.

Up to 3 Days a week Problem Resolution and Response Times

Attain fast, effective resolutions to database issues with WDS's SLA  mandated response times.

Customized Service Level Agreements

Our SLAs can be tailored to meet your organizations individual needs.










Silver Package

Benefits of Basic DBA Service Fully Customization As Needed Or For Special Projects :

Reduced DBA and Maintenance Costs

Leverage the expertise and availability of DBAs for less than the cost of a single in-house resource.

Utilization of Internal Resources customized to your needs. 

Redeploy skilled internal resources to more strategic, revenue generating initiatives.

Technical Expertise Not Available In-House.

Leverage the DBA expertise and skills you need without the            costs and headaches of hiring in-house.

Monitoring and Support.

Get the additional support and coverage you need to ensure                 critical issues are addressed for a additional fee.

Problem Resolution and Response.
Attain effective resolutions to database issues with WDS's SLA- mandated response times.

Customized Service Level Agreements

Our SLAs can be tailored to meet your organization's individual needs.


Cost Savings

We work to establish partnerships with our customers to insure that we meet their expectations for excellence. The bedrock of our business is strong technical expertise, responsive service, transparent pricing and absolute reliability. We leverage our experience to allow you to spend more time on what you do best — running your business.

Industry Standard for Remote Database Management 

World Database Solutions has set the standard for remote database management. There’s a level of confidence that comes with trusting your business to the provider that is stable and secure, and whose expertise and support you’ll want now and five or ten years down the road.

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Our customers rely on World Database Solutions for their always-on, continuous operations. In turn, we are relentless in our commitment to providing excellent customer service. You can be assured that you will always deal with real people who really care about the success of your business.